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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Paca Porridge

Paca Porridge-

One tablet of Rumex, cut in half with a sharp knife.  Use half the tablet in the morning porridge, and the other half tablet in the evening porridge.  This boosts the activity in the digestive tract – more effective than Fastrack in alpacas not passing urine/feces.

Dissolve one-half Rumex tablet in one ounce of very warm water in blender.

Let it stand for about fifteen minutes, then blend a bit to help it dissolve.

Add 1 cup pellets – calf manna pellets
 -- or Equine Senior horse pellets are very good. 
      -- or any pellet  that is at least 18% protein.

Pour about 2.5 cups of hot water over pellets and let stand several more minutes   so that the pellets soften.
Blend a bit.
Add one cup rolled oats.
Blend a bit more.
Keep adding hot water so that consistency stays like thick porridge.

Add 1 tablespoon of ketamalt.

Add 2 tablespoonsful of molasses.

Add 2 teaspoonsful of baking soda.

Add 2 teaspoonsful of Red Cell or Liquid 747 (horse vitamins)

Mix all in blender. This formula should be thick enough that it’s like a thick pancake batter.  If it’s too runny, it’s hard to administer. 

Feed to sick alpaca with a plastic turkey baster.  You will have to make the opening in the end of the turkey baster larger, by cutting a bit off the pointy end.  We did this with our Dremel drill.  Always have a spare plastic turkey baster on hand, in case of emergency.    

It takes some time for the digestive tract to adjust, if this girl has not been eating much for an extended period of time.  So - - GO SLOW - - don’t rush her into eating too much too soon. 

It will be a 2-person job to feed her at least the first few times, until she figures out what you are doing.  One person holds the porridge and the alpaca.  The other person operates the turkey baster.

I have found that if you use a syringe that is purchased from medical supply stores (used to flush out J -Tubes etc) it works very well, and you can feed by yourself without any help.

It works! 

Please share this with other breeders who at some point may need to feed their alpacas...good luck.

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