Growing up, I never would have believed my life would end up where I am now.
Born and raised in the Soo, I dream t of being married to a farmer. I loved animals, I really loved animals. I would play in the water for hours at Desbarats Lake (pronounced Debra Lake) for hours looking for snails, crayfish, minnows anything that moved). At the end of my fishing venture, I would release everyone from my red dish. I was fortunate to have cats, a Finnish Bear Hunting Dog Musti (he was my buddy) and a rabbit named Daggit. I would treat these animals like a girl would treat their dolls. They came for boat rides, in the back of my dads cab for the truck, anywhere that I could. I just loved animals, so it seemed the right dream...to one day marry a farmer.
Now, 30 some years later, 700km away from the Soo, I have become the farmer. Yes, raising alpacas is a lifestyle my husband and I have chosen...for our retirement. The one thing is that I retired earlier than anticipated.
We have 48 alpacas (this number goes up and down like a yo-yo as we are breeders), 6 dogs, 3 cats, 2 pigs, 2 ducks, 2 rabbits and a parrot. I am living my dream and LOVE every minute of it. I love dealing with the "crap" I deal with...not what I used to deal with in the political world.
I get back to the Soo every now and then, frustrated by my parents constant complaints "all da money we paid for you to go to university, dis is what you do...pick up Sit"...my parents are of Finnish origin, they wanted to give me everything they did not have growing up, education was part of the package. Needless to say I guess they are disappointed in my career choice. Oh well. As the french say "C'est La Vie".
But as my life unfolds, you will see that living your dream is what life is about. I am very fortunate to have met the greatest man in the world. He puts up with my love of animals, sees the benefits they provide me and still loves me for it. He is in fact my barn-Bi-atch...just kidding honey, you are the best.
It's a start! Yeah!
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