As the weekend comes to the end, we have to come to a let go. Our 14 1/2 yr old Canadian Bitz is at her final stages of life. We, as owners have the ability to decide that her life will end on July 25TH . This may sound cruel, but in fact it is a privilege. As humans, we have to undergo undue suffering when it is the final days of our and pet owners have the option to let their loved furry family members go with dignity, go in peace.
As I write this blog, tears stream down my face. I am not looking forward to letting Lucy go, it is such a hard decision to make, but when I look into her eyes, she tells me she is ready. Ready to relieve herself of the pain, ready to go to Rainbow Bridge to be with her buddy Samantha.
This weekend has been a tough on on both myself, my husband and the rest of the
Lucy was a extraordinaire we reflect on her life, and boy was it a good one. She lived in the city for just a couple of months and had her buddy Samantha to show her the ropes. Only to find a nice move into the country with property and a pond. The pond was a place she loved to cool down on hot summer days. If we could "peek" into her passion, swimming, sauna, liver, beer, coffee and her daddy were her passion. She swam in almost every one of the Great Lakes, she swam on the St. Lawerence River and even swam in the Atlantic ocean...she loved to swim. I think the Northern Lakes Desbarats and Upper Island Lake and Maki Lake were dear to her....she would swim for hours, chasing after flying gulls.
As we reflect...we remember every one loved Lucy....she smiled for anyone who would greet her, she did her duty of therapy dog in hospitals and classrooms, all animals came to Lucy as she was so calm and assertive. She knew what she wanted. She was a gentle soul. Kind and passionate to every two legged human, every 4 legged furry sole.
Garth and I have not realized that our real Lucy has not been with us for a few months...she no longer came prancing to Garth's vehicle when he came home, she couldn't, she no longer plays with Winni, but whacking her with her paw to get play started. Lucy no longer smiles, but her eyes do light up when spoken to and a slight tail wag.
This past weekend was spent with heavy hearts, as we have reached our decision to let Lucy go to Rainbow Bridge. This weekend was spent doing all of her favourite things...swimming, sauna, eating a special liver dinner and any treat she wanted. I think she especially enjoyed hanging out with her pack filled with love and devotion.
We have one of the toughest things do as dog owners, that is to bring her to her special place and let her go peacefully. We will be there to hold her and tell her we love her and what a wonderful dog she was. We love you our Lucy Goosy....Loots...TootsyLoosty....Old Fart. It will never be the same without you.....Please know we want you to come back as another sole....we love you so much. Our final love we can show you, by letting you go...the hardest part.